• 开云电竞


    Current locations:Home - Biological Pharmacy - USLIN

    USLIN® R

    [Common name] Recombinant Human Insulin Injection


    [Ingredients] Major ingredient and its chemical name is recombinant human insulin.


    [Active ingredients] Recombinant human insulin (With the application of gene recombination technology, express the production with saccharomycetes). 1IU (international unit) is equivalent to 0.035mg anhydrous human insulin.


    [Indication] It is indicated for diabetes.


    [Specification] 3ml:300 international units (10.5mg), (pen core)


    [Usage and Dosage] The product is a kind of short-acting insulin preparation can be used in combination with the intermediate-acting and fast-acting ones.


    [Package] Pen core is made of type 1 glass, including brombutyl rubber piston and brombutyl/polyisoprene rubber membrane. 1 pcs/bottle


    [Expiry Date] 24 months


    [Executive Standard] State Food and Drug Administration, Standard YBS00562010


    [Approval Document Number] G (J)S20100015
